The NaturalBirth Talk

VBAC (Vaginal Birth after C-section) with Jen Kamel of VBAC Facts

Rachel Mans Season 1 Episode 19

VBAC, or vaginal birth after cesarean, is becoming a more desired option verses simply having a repeat c-section. Unfortunately, many care providers still do NOT support VBAC and will tell women their only option is a repeat cesarean birth. Many women simply do not know they have alternative options, either. In this episode, the founder of, Jen Kamel, talks with me about VBAC options and how to navigate getting the VBAC you desire!

  • VBAC and VBA2C are both supported by evidence!
  • VBAC after 3 or more cesareans is not studied enough to state if it is supported by evidence or not; Mom should get to make the final choice
  • The American College of Obstetrics and Gynecologists (ACOG) states that informed consent & refusal is vital to healthcare, even during birth
  • How do you deal with an unsupportive care provider?! We cover that, too!

Resources Mentioned:

Check out Informed Pregnancy+


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